Friday, 25 January 2013


Well, I didn't quite feel like doing school work so this is a painting of a rabbit I did while trying out this technique I'd heard about awhile ago but never had the chance/motivation to try. It involved starting out with the canvas zoomed really far out, then gradually zooming in after I got as much detail in as I could at that stage. It was actually pretty interesting and though it felt a little more time consuming I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Of course, there's always room for improvement!

Thursday, 10 January 2013


This one started off as just a simple dog that I wanted to paint, but as I continued I got more and more into it and the scene developed itself. I was very pleased with the result. I was especially pleased with how the dog's eyes turned out. They look much more 3-dimensional than ones I've done in the past. I'm really falling in love with playing with light rays and whatnot. Hopefully I'll still have time to paint as the school year continues.

Monday, 7 January 2013

The Chase

My newest digital painting! Oi, those trees took a long time to get them to a point I was happy with. Pretty pleased with the lighting in this as well, I think it turned out very nice!
Update: Since posting this painting elsewhere, I have learned that people don't particularly like the dog and personally I agree with them, so I took it out! Here is the new version.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Blue Tiger

This is my first art piece of the new year! I recently downloaded a bunch of new paintbrushes and I'm loving them. I think this turned out quite well and even though I didn't make a new year's resolution, I am hoping that this year will be full of finished artworks by me.